Амы решили поставить на довольствие местные банды - "вьетнамизация" по-афгански. Вот оно - непобедимое оружие Америки - баки. ПОглядим как сработает на этот раз..

U.S. And Afghans Plan To Recruit Local Militias
(New York Times, December 24, 2008, Pg. 1)
Taking a page from the successful experiment in Iraq, American commanders and Afghan leaders are preparing to arm local militias to help in the fight against a resurgent Taliban. But along with hope, the move is raising fears that the new armed groups could push the country into a deeper bloodletting. The first of the local defense forces are scheduled to begin operating early next year in Wardak province, an area just outside the capital where the Taliban have overrun most government authority. If the experiment proves successful, similar militias will be set up rapidly across the country, senior American and Afghan officials say.