Оказывается в Гуантанамо содержится 17 китайских граждан (уйгуры). Решение об их освобождении принято - теперь амы решают куда их передать - Китай не считается вполне себе страной как все - в глазах Америки

China Wants Its Gitmo Detainees
(Philadelphia Inquirer, December 24, 2008)
China said that it wants Chinese detainees at Guantanamo Bay to be returned to their homeland if President-elect Barack Obama closes the detention center. Beijing says the 17 prisoners, Turkic-speaking Muslims known as Uighurs from China’s far West, are terrorists who belong to an outlawed group. The United States cleared the 17 for release, but has been trying to find another home for them, fearing they could be mistreated or tortured if turned over to China. But many countries fear diplomatic repercussions from China if they receive the Uighurs.