INJOIT №12 за 2015 год
INJOIT - международный рецензируемый индексируемый журнал по информационным технологиям, учрежденный лабораторией открытых информационных технологий факультета вычислительной математики и кибернетики (ВМК) МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова.
The International Journal of Open Information Technologies (INJOIT) is an all-electronic journal with the aim to bring the most recent and unpublished research and development results in the area of information technologies to the scientific and technical societies, and is published by the OIT Lab (Open Information Technologies Lab, Faculty Vol 3, No 12 (2015)
Table of Contents
Distributed computing and information management systems
Solving weakened cryptanalysis problems for the Bivium cipher in the volunteer computing project SAT@home
Oleg Zaikin, Alexander Semenov, Ilya Otpuschennikov PDF 1-3
Applied mathematics
On composition of infinitary structures and symmetries between primes.
Vladimir Serov, Gennadiy Ryabov PDF 4-6
Modern programming issues
Using computation parallelization facilities in the 2D-image fractal dimension evaluation algorithm
И.Е. Красикова, В.В. Картузов, И.В. Красиков PDF (RUSSIAN) 7-12
Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science
Expanding the bionics ontology by the description of swarm intelligence
В.В. Баранюк, О.С. Смирнова PDF (RUSSIAN)
Detailed swarm intelligence algorithms description for expanding the bionics ontology
В.В. Баранюк, О.С. Смирнова PDF (RUSSIAN) 18-27
Describing the swarm algorithms, inspired by abiocen and bacterias, in the bionics ontology
О.С. Смирнова, А.В. Богорадникова, М.Ю. Блинов PDF (RUSSIAN) 28-37
ISSN: 2307-8162